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  1. Languishing The Moment
  2. Fluid Treeline I
  3. Kinetic Abstract II
  4. Saltwater Taffy Pull II
  5. Reaction Is Bliss
  6. The Swirls Of Marble Or The Ripples Of Agate
  7. Misty Greyland II
  8. Illuminated Treeline II
  9. Variant I
  10. Treeline Strata I
  11. Mass Erasing
  12. Tidal Waves II
  13. Olive On The Horizon II
  14. Neutral Garden Beauty
  15. White Gold
  16. Crane 1
  17. Abstract Sound II
  18. Spools II
  19. A Touch Of Love
  20. Noir Nude 1
  21. Geometric Mountain
  22. Speck I
  23. Misty Greyland I
  24. Reflections In Sage II
  25. High Degree
  26. Rounding The Bend II
  27. Arriving
  28. Autumn Fields
  29. Rounding The Bend I
  30. Glass Blowing
  31. Wavelength I
  32. Treeline Borealis II
  33. Respite 1
  34. Ribbing 1
  35. Squiggles I
  36. Remember To Breath
  37. Untitled
  38. Daydream II
  39. Ribbing 2
  40. Contemplation II
  41. Icy Chill
  42. Solthom
  43. Clouded Vortex II
  44. Grand
  45. Grey Litho II
  46. Blue Paper Clips
  47. Yellow And Blush I
  48. Beyond The Curve