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  1. The Two Of Us
  2. Sylvidra
  3. Silence
  4. Seduction Games
  5. Do you wanna dance with me
  6. High Diving
  7. Cosmoslicious
  8. The Pianist
  9. The Poppy Master
  10. Passion
  11. I Will Always Be There For You
  12. The Lady Bug, The Mushroom, And The Beautiful Daisy
  13. Un Coeur Fondant
  14. Cosmos 2019
  15. Hide And Seek
  16. Dream In Blue
  17. Time For You To Go
  18. A Kind Of Melting Pot
  19. Carmen
  20. Dakinis Are Watching Over Us
  21. Tainted Love
  22. Hidden Paradise
  23. The Three Sisters
  24. The Harpist
  25. The Lady Of Lothlorien
  26. Red Ink Refill
  27. Thankful For Nature's Bounty
  28. Hidden, Almost
  29. With Love
  30. Les Fleurs Du Bien
  31. Desires And Passions
  32. Parmi Les Dakinis
  33. Flower Not By Kenzo By Me
  34. Cairns
  35. Madame
  36. L'unification Des Interactions
  37. Et Pendant Ce Temps La, Dans Le Petit Monde
  38. 50 Hz
  39. Padmasana
  40. Things That Flowers Tell
  41. The 2 Lovers Under Manhattan Bridge
  42. Tenue De Soiraee
  43. The Boys Are Back
  44. Electrical Blue
  45. Le Vent L'emportera
  46. There Is No End To Love
  47. A Walk In Dreamland
  48. Flowers Of Innocence