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  1. The Rest On The Flight Into Egypt, C1509-13
  2. Portrait Of The Queen Of England, Elizabeth I
  3. Saint Margaret. 1562. By Titian. Prado Museum. Madrid, Spain
  4. Burial of the Count of Orgaz
  5. The Departure Of Marcus Attilius Regulus For Carthage
  6. The Garden of Paradise, 1510-20
  7. The Miracles of St. Clare of Assisi, detail of St. Clare blessing the harvest, 1523-24 (
  8. Assumption of Mary. 1406-1408. By Taddeo Bartolo. Public Palace, Siena, Italy
  9. Spring, C1580-1600
  10. The Men's Bath, 1496-97
  11. The Avignon Pieta, 1450-60
  12. The Maundy. Christ Washing the Disciples' Feet. 1547
  13. The Expulsion Of Hgar And Ishmael, 1666
  14. Madonna and Child, c.1475
  15. The Three Witches, 1783
  16. The Garden of Love at the Court of Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy
  17. An Expedition Setting out from Seville for America in 1498
  18. The Triumph of Death, detail of the lower right section, 1562
  19. Disputation Over The Trinity, By Andrea Del Sarto, 1517. Palazzo Pitti, Florence, Italy
  20. The Holy Family and a Shepherd, c.1510
  21. The Feast in the House of Simon, 1608-14
  22. Anne of Austria, Queen of France, with Louis XIV as a Child, c. 1640, French painting
  23. Mercury Lulling Argus To Sleep, C1770-1775
  24. Allegorical Portrait Of An Artist In Her Studio, C1675-1685
  25. Triumph Of Virtue, By Andrea Mantegna, Ca. 1502. Louvre, Paris, France. Detail
  26. Virgin and Child, 1320
  27. St. Peter Resurrecting the Widow Tabitha, 1652
  28. Study For The Trivulzio Monument By Leonardo Da Vinci
  29. Portrait of Lorenzo de Medici
  30. Rigolette Trying to Distract herself during Germain's Absence, 1844
  31. Saint Louis And His Page
  32. The Fall Of Man, 1549
  33. Tarquin and Lucretia, c.1568-76
  34. Drawing, Portrait of a Girl, by Leonardo da Vinci, 1483-1484. Royal Library, Turin
  35. Month of July allegorical tapestry by Benedetto da Milano, c. 1503-08
  36. SS. Andrew and Francis of Assisi, after 1576
  37. Virgin and Child with SS. Anne and Joseph, 1587-96
  38. Autumn, C1580-1600
  39. Nativity of St, John the Baptist, 14th c, Master of the Nativity of St, John the Baptist
  40. Leaving for the Sabbath, 1506
  41. The Virgin And Child
  42. The Return From Russia
  43. The Adoration Of The Shepherds, C1635-1637
  44. St. Ildefonsus
  45. The Temptation of St. Anthony
  46. The Lamentation. 1591. By Scipione Pulzone (Il Gaetano). Metropolitan Museum, New York
  47. Interior of the Marienkirche in Utrecht, 1638
  48. The Building of the Temple of Jerusalem