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Medieval Wall Art

130 results

130 results
  1. 412
    The Holy Trinity, 1420s image thumbnail
    Canvas from
  2. 75
    The Unicorn In Captivity Tapestry image thumbnail
  3. 43
    Turkey, Istanbul, Mosaic of Christ Pantocrator in Haghia Sophia Mosque image thumbnail
  4. 41
    Leonidas at Thermopylae, 480 BC, 1814 image thumbnail
    Canvas from
  5. 34
    Primavera, Three Graces, By Botticelli, C. 1478, Uffizi Gallery, Florence, Italy image thumbnail
  6. 50
    Bayeux Tapestry. 1066-1077. Scene of the Battle of Hastings image thumbnail
  7. 45
    The Lady and the Unicorn: Sight Tapestry image thumbnail
  8. 48
    Book of Kells. 8th-9th c. Chapter letter from the gospel. Anglo-Irish art image thumbnail
  9. 23
    Jesus Christ Blessing, Hagia Sophia, Istanbul, Turkey image thumbnail
  10. 29
    Virgin and Child with Angels, c.1460 image thumbnail
    Canvas from
  11. 37
    Garden Of Earthly Delights, Creation Of The World, C. 1503-04. Prad image thumbnail
  12. 31
    Fresco in the Sistine Chapel image thumbnail
  13. 18
    Gold plate of Darius I, King of Persia image thumbnail
  14. 12
    Antique Greek Icon image thumbnail
    Canvas from
  15. 19
    Passion, The Crucifixion, by Giotto, c. 1304-1306. Scrovegni Chapel, Padua, Italy image thumbnail
  16. 18
    Life of Christ, The Adoration of the Magi, by Giotto, c. 1304-1306 image thumbnail
  17. 12
    Primavera, Face Of Flora, By Botticelli, C. 1478, Uffizi Gallery, Florence, Italy image thumbnail
  18. 13
    The Archangel Gabriel, c. 1430 image thumbnail
    Canvas from
  19. 10
    Mosaic Of Jesus Christ image thumbnail
    Canvas from
  20. 12
    Tower Of Babel, By Pieter Bruegel The Elder, 1563. Kunsthistorisches, Vienna, Austria. D image thumbnail
  21. 9
    Vision Of Ezekiel, By Raphael, 1516-1518. Palazzo Pitti, Florence, Italy image thumbnail
  22. 13
    Garden Of Earthly Delights-Hell Music, C. 1503-04. Prado Museum. Spain image thumbnail
  23. 11
    Elizabeth I As A Princess Attributed To William Scrots image thumbnail
  24. 19
    Adoration of the Magi, by Gentile da Fabriano, c. 1423. Uffizi Gallery, Florence, Italy image thumbnail
  25. 5
    The Annunciation image thumbnail
    Canvas from
  26. 12
    Scenes From The Story Of Susanna, By Scheggia, C. 1450. Florence, Italy image thumbnail
  27. 9
    Love, Desire and Death image thumbnail
    Canvas from
  28. 11
    The Garden of Earthly Delights (Left Panel) image thumbnail
    Canvas from
  29. 12
    Bayeux Tapestry, detail of English army of King Edward III image thumbnail
  30. 8
    Primavera, Center Section, By Botticelli, C. 1478, Uffizi Gallery, Florence, Italy image thumbnail
  31. 9
    King of the Franks and the Lombards. Charlemagne image thumbnail
  32. 7
    Book of Durrow. ca. 675. The Man, symbol of Saint Matthew. Anglo-Irish art image thumbnail
  33. 11
    London and the Thames (15th c.) Gothic art image thumbnail
  34. 12
    The Crucifixion image thumbnail
    Canvas from
  35. 11
    The Calling of the Apostles Peter and Andrew image thumbnail
  36. 8
    Saint Benedict image thumbnail
    Canvas from
  37. 9
    Polyptych Of The Domitio Virginis, By Pseudo Jacopino, C. 1330-1335. Bologna, Italy image thumbnail
  38. 9
    Warrior angel, 1348-54 image thumbnail
    Canvas from
  39. 5
    Empress Theodora and her court, early Byzantine art image thumbnail
  40. 2
    Saint Catherine, 1435-40 image thumbnail
    Canvas from
  41. 7
    Crucifixion, By Luca Signorelli, 1494. Urbino, Italy image thumbnail
  42. 5
    Saint Dominic image thumbnail
    Canvas from
  43. 3
    Pallas And The Centaur (Minerva And The Centaur), By Botticelli, 1482-1483. image thumbnail
  44. 10
    Annunciation, By Beato Angelico, 1438-1446. Florence, Italy image thumbnail
  45. 6
    Coronation Of The Virgin, By Beato Angelico, 1438-1446. Florence, Italy image thumbnail
  46. 5
    Tournament (15th c.) France image thumbnail
    Canvas from
  47. 14
    Virgin of Mercy image thumbnail
    Canvas from
  48. 6
    The Divine Comedy. s.XV. Dante writing. Gothic art image thumbnail

About Medieval Art

Medieval Wall Art

Medieval wall art is one of the most iconic and intriguing painting styles. The distinct perspectives, vivid colors, and rich iconography ensure these pieces endure through the centuries.

What are the characteristics of Medieval wall art?

Medieval art included a mix of styles and movements. However, there are some constants within the aesthetic.

Christianity is a persistent motif within Medieval art. The influence of the Church on society ensured that religious themes dominated the human creativity of the time. As a result, The subject matter of Medieval wall decor tends toward the spectacular. Typical scenes include heavy Christian symbolism, Biblical scenes, and depictions of Heaven and Hell.

The colors within Medieval art were made from natural pigments and materials. Each color carried symbolic importance, with many of the most notable pieces using vivid tones. Gold leaf was also used for halos and other decorative elements, giving these pieces extra luster.

Medieval canvas prints blend beguiling patterns with classic Greek and Roman elements and Christian themes to create striking and powerful work. The style drew from Classical world techniques, but the period was highly innovative and imaginative.

While depictions of people often appear flat and somewhat out of perspective to the modern eye, it's actually one of the style's greatest strengths. The use of hierarchical composition, where the most important elements are placed nearer the top of the painting, adds another dimension to the symbolism and allegory that permeate the work.

How to choose the right Medieval wall decor

Medieval and Gothic decor have emerged as popular design styles in recent years. This decor approach involves plenty of drama, elegance, and rich color schemes. Medieval canvas prints offer a great way to inject some of the period's unmistakable aesthetic.

The color scheme of your home is a good starting point for your search for the perfect piece of Medieval wall art. The subject matter is essential, too, with common motifs including knights, mythological creatures, and religious symbolism. As such, traditional or classically designed homes are perfect for Medieval wall decor.

Of course, you don't need to own a medieval-inspired home to hang Medieval canvas prints on your walls. Practicing Christians or anyone with a love of the period's unique compositions can use Medieval wall art to bring a sense of personal meaning to their walls.

Explore our superb collection of Medieval canvas prints to decorate your home with this unique and enduring style. The mix of rich colors, stunning patterns, and stunning religious scenes will provide a remarkable addition to any space.

  1. The Holy Trinity, 1420s
  2. The Unicorn In Captivity Tapestry
  3. Turkey, Istanbul, Mosaic of Christ Pantocrator in Haghia Sophia Mosque
  4. Leonidas at Thermopylae, 480 BC, 1814
  5. Primavera, Three Graces, By Botticelli, C. 1478, Uffizi Gallery, Florence, Italy
  6. Bayeux Tapestry. 1066-1077. Scene of the Battle of Hastings
  7. The Lady and the Unicorn: Sight Tapestry
  8. Book of Kells. 8th-9th c. Chapter letter from the gospel. Anglo-Irish art
  9. Jesus Christ Blessing, Hagia Sophia, Istanbul, Turkey
  10. Virgin and Child with Angels, c.1460
  11. Garden Of Earthly Delights, Creation Of The World, C. 1503-04. Prad
  12. Fresco in the Sistine Chapel
  13. Gold plate of Darius I, King of Persia
  14. Antique Greek Icon
  15. Passion, The Crucifixion, by Giotto, c. 1304-1306. Scrovegni Chapel, Padua, Italy
  16. Life of Christ, The Adoration of the Magi, by Giotto, c. 1304-1306
  17. Primavera, Face Of Flora, By Botticelli, C. 1478, Uffizi Gallery, Florence, Italy
  18. The Archangel Gabriel, c. 1430
  19. Mosaic Of Jesus Christ
  20. Tower Of Babel, By Pieter Bruegel The Elder, 1563. Kunsthistorisches, Vienna, Austria. D
  21. Vision Of Ezekiel, By Raphael, 1516-1518. Palazzo Pitti, Florence, Italy
  22. Garden Of Earthly Delights-Hell Music, C. 1503-04. Prado Museum. Spain
  23. Elizabeth I As A Princess Attributed To William Scrots
  24. Adoration of the Magi, by Gentile da Fabriano, c. 1423. Uffizi Gallery, Florence, Italy
  25. The Annunciation
  26. Scenes From The Story Of Susanna, By Scheggia, C. 1450. Florence, Italy
  27. Love, Desire and Death
  28. The Garden of Earthly Delights (Left Panel)
  29. Bayeux Tapestry, detail of English army of King Edward III
  30. Primavera, Center Section, By Botticelli, C. 1478, Uffizi Gallery, Florence, Italy
  31. King of the Franks and the Lombards. Charlemagne
  32. Book of Durrow. ca. 675. The Man, symbol of Saint Matthew. Anglo-Irish art
  33. London and the Thames (15th c.) Gothic art
  34. The Crucifixion
  35. The Calling of the Apostles Peter and Andrew
  36. Saint Benedict
  37. Polyptych Of The Domitio Virginis, By Pseudo Jacopino, C. 1330-1335. Bologna, Italy
  38. Warrior angel, 1348-54
  39. Empress Theodora and her court, early Byzantine art
  40. Saint Catherine, 1435-40
  41. Crucifixion, By Luca Signorelli, 1494. Urbino, Italy
  42. Saint Dominic
  43. Pallas And The Centaur (Minerva And The Centaur), By Botticelli, 1482-1483.
  44. Annunciation, By Beato Angelico, 1438-1446. Florence, Italy
  45. Coronation Of The Virgin, By Beato Angelico, 1438-1446. Florence, Italy
  46. Tournament (15th c.) France
  47. Virgin of Mercy
  48. The Divine Comedy. s.XV. Dante writing. Gothic art