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  1. Urban Titan
  2. Hyperbole III
  3. Water Women II
  4. Space Needle & Rainier View from Kerry Park - Seattle, Washington
  5. Tactile Reflex I
  6. Calatrava Lines
  7. Windsor Ravel III
  8. Shibuya Crossing - Tokyo, Japan
  9. Past and Future
  10. Melrose Ave & Denny Way, Capitol Hill - Seattle, Washington
  11. Prismatic Dream IV
  12. Delight of Disorder
  13. Abrupt Shorthand I
  14. Hydro I
  15. Cinnamon Breath
  16. Ink Blot III
  17. Halo Spectrum XV
  18. Broad View I
  19. Tuscan Sunset II
  20. Diaphanous
  21. Queensboro Bridge - New York City
  22. Prismatic Dream III
  23. Manhattan in the Mist
  24. Runner
  25. The Great Flood
  26. Urban Texture - Croatia
  27. Second Avenue in Red - Downtown Seattle, Washington
  28. Aqua Isles III
  29. Threes Company I
  30. Quadrilateral
  31. Empire State Building Spear
  32. Stratus I
  33. Blinds In Black & White
  34. Your Move on White IV
  35. Fleet II
  36. Martinique, French West Indies, Exterior of building in St. Pierre
  37. Evocative IV
  38. Desert Layers
  39. Red Westwood
  40. Even Or Offset I
  41. Red fire escape I
  42. Pallettes 3