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  1. Nighthawks, 1942
  2. The Long Leg, 1930
  3. Ground Swell, by Edward Hopper, 1939, American painting
  4. Room In Brooklyn By Edward Hopper
  5. Gloucester Beach
  6. Sailing Boat
  7. Cape Cod Evening, by Edward Hopper, 1939, American painting
  8. Lighthouse at Two Lights, 1929
  9. New York Office, 1962
  10. Chair Car
  11. Tables for Ladies, 1930
  12. Sea Watchers, 1952
  13. Night on the El Train
  14. Rain on River
  15. Dune at Truro
  16. 'Morse ship yards at night', front cover of the 'Morse Dry Dock Dial', March 1921
  17. The House by the Railroad, 1925
  18. Haskell's House, by Edward Hopper, 1924, American painting
  19. Prospect Street, Gloucester
  20. Hotel Room By Edward Hopper
  21. Cape Ann Granite, 1928
  22. Box Factory, 1928
  23. Oregon Coast
  24. The Girlie Show, 1941
  25. Sugar Maple
  26. Summer in the City, 1950
  27. Yawl Riding a Swell
  28. Clamdigger
  29. Vermont Sugar House, 1938
  30. Charleston Slum, Charleston, South Carolina
  31. Rich's House, 1930
  32. South Truro Post Office
  33. Day After the Funeral, 1925
  34. House at Essex, Massachusetts
  35. Evening Wind
  36. Mount Moran
  37. Lime Rock Quarry II
  38. The Locomotive
  39. The Yellow House
  40. The Lewis Barn, 1931
  41. Study for 'Light Battery at Gettysburg'
  42. 'Our New Dry Dock', front cover of the 'Morse Dry Dock Dial', June-July 1918
  43. Portrait of a Man
  44. 'The Mary Stone of Portland', front cover of the 'Morse Dry Dock Dial', April 1918
  45. 'Sailing Vessel,' front cover of the 'Morse Dry Dock Dial', December 1921
  46. House By A River
  47. House and Trees, Gloucester
  48. 'Ships Did It', front cover of the 'Morse Dry Dock Dial', September 1919