{{ titlePrefix }} Raffaello S. Raphael
The School of Athens
St. Michael Overwhelming the Demon, 1518
Constantine's Battle At The Milvian Bridge By Raphael
Painting Of Cherubim After A Detail Of Sistine Madonna By Raphael
The Sistine Madonna By Raphael
Saint George and the Dragon, by Raphael, c. 1506
Vision Of Ezekiel, By Raphael, 1516-1518. Palazzo Pitti, Florence, Italy
Constantine's Vision Of The Cross
The Virgin of the Rose, c.1518
The Banquet of the Gods
The Holy Family of the Oak Tree, c.1518
St. Cecilia With Sts. Paul, John The Evangelist, Augustine and Magdalene
St. Michael, c.1503-05
Madonna Del Cardellino (Madonna Of The Goldfinch) By Raphael
Triumph of Galatea
The Veiled Woman, or La Donna Velata, c.1516
Portrait Of A Young Woman (Lady With A Unicorn), By Raphael, 1505-1506.
The Small Cowper Madonna, by Raphael, c. 1505
Madonna Of The Goldfinch By Raphael
Cartoon For The Miraculous Draught Of Fishes By Raphael And Studio
Standing Madonna
The Aldobrandini Madonna or The Garvagh Madonna
Portrait of Lorenzo de' Medici, Duke of Urbino by Raphael
Woman with a Unicorn
Portrait Of Bindo Altoviti By Raphael
The Agony in the Garden
Portrait of Pope Julius II (1443-1513) c.1512
Lady with a Unicorn
The Holy Family with a Lamb, 1507
La Belle Jardiniere
Saint Anthony Of Padua By Raphael
Portrait Of Agnolo Doni, By Raphael, 1505. Palazzo Pitti, Florence, Italy
The Procession to Calvary, c.1504-05
Madonna, Christ and John
Stanza di Eliodoro
Vision of Ezekiel, c.1518
Portrait of a Lady with a Unicorn, c.1505-6
Portrait Of A Woman (La Muta), By Raphael, 1507.
Pope Julius II By Raphael
Detail of the 'Tempi' Madonna, 1508
Detail Of Madonna Of The Meadow By Raphael
The Virgin of the Rose, c.1518
Young woman on a balcony (Florentine noblewoman), by Raphael
Baldassare Castiglione By Raphael
The Three Graces By Raphael
Portrait of a Cardinal