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  1. The Holy Trinity, 1420s
  2. St. Michael the Archangel, 1635. St Michael stepping on Devil's head
  3. Angel Guardian
  4. The Virgin with Angels, 1900
  5. The Birth of Venus
  6. St. Michael Overwhelming the Demon, 1518
  7. Creazione di Adamo, particol
  8. Creazione di Adamo
  9. Detail of the Angel, from The Virgin of the Rocks
  10. Angel wings II
  11. Angel Trio
  12. The Guardian Angel
  13. Family Quotes - Daughters
  14. Angel Of The Sea
  15. The Immaculate Conception
  16. Sistine Chapel Ceiling (1508 12): The Creation of Adam, 1511 12
  17. Angel Waiting
  18. The Annunciation By Botticelli
  19. The Sacrifice of Abraham, 1635
  20. The Annunciation
  21. The Abduction of Psyche
  22. The Fall of the Rebel Angels, 1562
  23. Archangel Michael overthrows the rebel angel, c.1660-65
  24. L'Amour Et Psyche, Enfants (Cupid And Psyche As Children), Close-up
  25. Archangel Michael Defeating Lucifer, By Panfilo Nuvolone
  26. Cupid's Target, from 'Les Amours des Dieux', 1758
  27. Virgin and Child with Angels, c.1460
  28. The Dream of the Poet or, The Kiss of the Muse, 1859 60
  29. Annunciatory Angel, 1450-55
  30. Angel
  31. Fairy Angel I
  32. To My Valentine Victorian Valentine
  33. Angel Love
  34. Angel Joy
  35. Good Night Angel
  36. Jacob Wrestling With The Angel
  37. Fortuna
  38. Angel of Light
  39. Immaculate Conception, 1635
  40. Annunciation, Full Frame
  41. Not One is Forgotten
  42. Musical Angel By Rosso Fiorentino
  43. Innocence
  44. Christmas Eve
  45. Mary and Newborn Jesus
  46. The Flight into Egypt, c.1648-50
  47. The Road to Jerusalem, from 'Bibliotheque des Croisades'
  48. The Angels' Kitchen, 1646