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  1. Scaled quail, Callipepla squamata, at the Albuquerque Biological Park
  2. Crested capuchin, Sapajus robustus, at the Los Angeles Zoo
  3. Magpie mannikin or magpie munia, Lonchura fringilloides, from a private collection
  4. A brown goshawk, Accipiter fasciatus, at Healesville Sanctuary
  5. Cownose Ray, Rhinoptera Bonasus, At Phoenix Zoo In Phoenix, Arizona
  6. Sunset over the Caribbean Sea and silhouetted palm trees
  7. Royal spoonbill, Platalea regia, at Healesville Sanctuary, at Healesville Sanctuary
  8. Yellow bibbed lory, Lorius chlorocercus, from a private collection
  9. Sudan golden sparrow, Passer luteus, from a private collection
  10. The Golden Gate Bridge illuminated at night
  11. Chinese oriole, Oriolus chinensis diffusus, from a private collection
  12. An African spurred tortoise, Geochelone sulcata, at the Denver zoo
  13. An American kestrel, Falco sparverius caucae, at Parque Jaime Duque
  14. Red tailed laughingthrush, Trochalopteron milnei, at the Plzen Zoo
  15. Waterfall in between fall colors in a forest
  16. Southern boobook, Ninox boobook, at the Plzen Zoo
  17. A golden mantled ground squirrel, Callospermophilus lateralis, from a private collection
  18. Bornean bearded pig, Sus barbatus barbatus, at Zoo Taiping
  19. A true tomato frog, Dyscophus antongilii, from the Lincoln Children's Zoo
  20. A rose fronted parakeet, Pyrrhura roseifrons parvifrons, from a private collection
  21. Great Indian civet, Viverra zibetha, at Zoo Taiping
  22. A juvenile prehensile tailed porcupine
  23. Green imperial pigeon, Ducula aenea paulina, at the Plzen Zoo
  24. White eared bulbul, Pycnonotus leucotis mesopotamia, at the Plzen Zoo
  25. Greater blue eared starling, Lamprotornis chalybaeus, from a private collection
  26. A powerful tornado approaches a church and just misses hitting it
  27. A giant panda cub, Ailuropoda melanoleuca, at Zoo Atlanta
  28. Catch Light
  29. A Distance
  30. A Northwestern lettered aracari, Pteroglossus inscriptus, at the Dallas World Aquarium
  31. A Female South China Tiger At The Suzhou South China Tiger Breeding Center
  32. A shelf cloud from a thunderstorm provides water to crops
  33. A black headed parrot, Pionites melanocephala, at the Sedgwick County Zoo
  34. A blue banded toucanet, Aulacorhynchus coeruleicinctis, at the Dallas World Aquarium
  35. A Strauch's pheasant, Phasianus colchicus strauchi, at the Plzen Zoo
  36. A Zarudny's pheasant, Phasianus colchicus zarudnyi, at the Plzen Zoo
  37. A single palm tree casts a shadow on an amazing Bermuda beach
  38. A male Guianan cock of the rock, Rupicola rupicola, at the Dallas World Aquarium
  39. A yellow bellied marmot, Marmota flaviventris, from a private collection
  40. A critically endangered, yearling radiated tortoise at the Turtle Conservancy
  41. A peach fronted parakeet, Eupsittula aurea, from a private collection
  42. Eurasian stone curlew or Eurasian thick knee from a private collection
  43. Azure tit, Parus cyanus cyanus, from ural mountains, at the Plzen Zoo
  44. Lilian's or Nyasa lovebird, Agapornis lilianae, from a private collection
  45. Channel billed toucan, Ramphastos vitellinus vitellinus, from a private collection
  46. A Vietnamese pheasant, Lophura hatinhensis, at the Plzen Zoo
  47. A female brown goshawk, Accipiter fasciatus, at Healesville Sanctuary
  48. Lake Oku clawed frog, Xenopus longipes, at the London Zoo