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  1. Enid Snail, Pachnodus Fregatensis, At The Exmoor Zoo
  2. Silhouette of a tree
  3. New Hampshire
  4. A Pyrenean Desman, Galemys Pyrenaicus, From The Wild In Portugal
  5. Palawan Binturong, Arctictis Binturong Whitei, At The Nashville Zoo
  6. Mhorr's Gazelle, Gazella Dama Mhorr, At The Budapest Zoo
  7. Variegated Grasshopper, Zonocerus Variegatus, From The Wild
  8. People on the palm tree-lined tropical beach at Cabo San Juan
  9. Walking Stick, Tisameneus Serratorius, At The Budapest Zoo
  10. Woodland Dormouse, Graphiurus Murinus, At The Budapest Zoo
  11. A Beetle, Pachnoda Aemula, At The Budapest Zoo
  12. Clown Treefrog, Dendropsophus Leucophyllatus, At The Nashville Zoo
  13. Cockroach, Eurycotis Opaca, At The Budapest Zoo
  14. Harlequin Race-Runner, Plica Plica, At The Nashville Zoo
  15. Porcelain Cockroach, Gyna Lurida, At The Budapest Zoo
  16. Madeira Cockroach, Rhyparobia Maderae, At The Budapest Zoo
  17. Fischer's Turaco, Tauraco Fischeri, At The Houston Zoo
  18. Budwing Mantis, Parasphendale Affinis, At The Budapest Zoo
  19. Gunnison's Prairie Dog, Cynomys Gunnisoni, At Liberty Wildlife
  20. Zebra Cockroach, Eurycotis Decipiens, At The Budapest Zoo
  21. Seminole Bat, Lasiurus Seminolus, At The Austin Bat Refuge
  22. Red-cockaded woodpecker at Gainesville, Florida
  23. Detail shot of a baseball
  24. Clark's Spiny Lizard, Sceloporus Clarkii, At Liberty Wildlife
  25. A Red Tree Frog, Leptopelis Rufus, From The Wild
  26. Detail shot of a baseball
  27. Crowned Lapwing, Vanellus Coronatus, At The Exmoor Zoo
  28. Warty Glow Spot Cockroach, Lucihormetica Subcincta, At The Budapest Zoo
  29. A Verreaux's Eagle At Sia, The Comanche Nation Ethno-Ornithological Initiative
  30. Spotted Tanager, Tangara Punctata, At The Nashville Zoo
  31. A Common Fruit Piercing Moth At Angkor Center For Conservation Of Biodiversity
  32. Streaky seedeater, Crithagra striolatus, from a private collection
  33. Hutchinson, Kansas
  34. Hispid Pocket Mouse, Chaetodipus Hispidus, At Cedar Point Biological Station
  35. Bluethroat, Erithacus svecica cyanicula, at the Plzen Zoo
  36. Fringed Ornamental Tarantula, Peocilotheria Ornata, At Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo
  37. A Black-Capped Vireo, Vireo Atricapillus
  38. Northern Crested Newts, Triturus Cristatus, At Alpenzoo In Innsbruck, Austria
  39. A Flower Beetle, Mecynorhina Torquata Ugandensis, At The Houston Zoo
  40. Tabular iceberg with a point in Antarctica
  41. A Wahlberg's Eagle At Sia, The Comanche Nation Ethno-Ornithological Initiative
  42. Orange sunset over a lake
  43. Darkling Beetle, Eleodes Suturalis, At Cedar Point Biological Station
  44. Guenther's Leaf Tail Gecko, Uroplatus Guentheri, From A Private Collection
  45. Canton, Kansas
  46. Copper-Headed Trinket Snake, Coeglanathus Radiatus, At The Assam State Zoo
  47. Spotted Spreadwing Damselfly, Lestes Congener, At Cedar Point Biological Station
  48. Streaky seedeater, Crithagra striolatus, from a private collection