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  1. Northern Exposure (1988)
  2. Cypress Trees I
  3. Philippines Watercolor Map
  4. Godzilla, King of the Monsters (1954)
  5. 8.5 (1963)
  6. Purple Belles I
  7. Edward Scissorhands (1990)
  8. Clouded Leopard
  9. High Noon
  10. Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death & Rebirth (1997)
  11. Survivor (2000)
  12. Chicago Cover
  13. Title Page of Newton's Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica
  14. Suffragette Depiction from Harper's Bazaar
  15. Classic Peacock on Cream
  16. Death comes for the Unbelieving Woman
  17. Jackass 3 D (2010)
  18. Saint Sebastian and the Angel
  19. Golf
  20. Bright Yellow Lillies
  21. A blacksmith hammers out a horseshoe
  22. A carny gets caught by the sheriff
  23. A dapper Easter Bunny carries a basket of chicks
  24. The head of a large Hereford bull
  25. Golden Flowers
  26. Wine and Smile
  27. Bright Vista II
  28. Indigo Night Chinoiserie II
  29. Steel Horse II
  30. New York Street Map Yellow
  31. Budapest Street Map White
  32. Michigan Watercolor Word Cloud
  33. Delaware Word Cloud II
  34. Coastal Wave I
  35. Coastal Wave II
  36. Boules Players
  37. Ruby Red
  38. Emerald Bay State Park in winter at dusk. Lake Tahoe
  39. North Carolina, Bodie Island. Bodie Island Lighthouse and Keepers' Quarters
  40. Firestarter
  41. Rush Street V
  42. Everglades Poster I
  43. Lincoln Wagon
  44. Action Set Blue
  45. Motivation Set Red
  46. Philadelphia Skyline Red
  47. Boxer Dog In City Style
  48. Sea Bird IV