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  1. Pine Grosbeak On Snowy Branch Winter SC Alaska
  2. Water's edge
  3. White Dove In Flight With Beams Of Light
  4. The hypnotist of the night
  5. CA, Pismo Beach. Brown Pelicans on Pelican Point
  6. Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus), Howell Nature Center, Michigan
  7. White peacock, Lahore.
  8. Great Blue Heron
  9. The Sentinels
  10. Owl Eye
  11. Strolling Along
  12. Just We Two
  13. Green Violet-ear (Colibri thalassinus) hummingbird foraging, Costa Rica
  14. Washington State, Wood Duck, male, flight take-off
  15. Wood Duck (Aix sponsa) male in breeding plumage, Lapeer State Game Area, Michigan
  16. White Owl
  17. Seven Swans
  18. Captive Barn Owl In Barn Window, Boulder County, Colorado
  19. Owl
  20. Downy Woodpecker (Picoides pubescens), Canada
  21. Andean Emerald (Amazilia franciae) hummingbird feeling on yellow flower, Ecuador
  22. Flamingos
  23. Female Ruby Throated Hummingbird in flight with dark background.
  24. A great egret, Ardea alba
  25. Blue Jay Perched On Budding Maple Tree In Springtime; Ontario, Canada
  26. Two Atlantic Puffins in snowfall
  27. Florida, Seagulls on the beach
  28. Two Northern Pintail drakes
  29. Wild male snowy owl flying against white sky background, Payton, Colorado.
  30. The Snowy Owls of Canada
  31. Canada, British Columbia. Common Loon, with chick
  32. Birds on Pier Everglades National Park FL
  33. Wild Peregrine Falcon (Falco Peregrinus) Standing On Rock
  34. On A Branch
  35. A juvenile Eastern screech owl, Megascops asio, at the Raptor Recovery Center
  36. Golden Eagle And Red Fox
  37. Canada, BC, Lac Le Jeune. Common Loon pair with chicks on their backs
  38. Zebra (Equus quagga) mane, Khama Rhino Sanctuary, Serowe, Botswana
  39. Pair of African swans faced toward each other
  40. Western Screech Owl (Otus Kennicottii) In Hollow Cottonwood
  41. The Green Swallowtail Butterfly, Papilio blumei
  42. Eurasian Eagle-Owl looking out from a tree cavity, Netherlands
  43. Northern mockingbird, South Florida, USA
  44. Serenity II
  45. A harpy eagle, Harpia harpyja, at the Los Angeles Zoo
  46. Orchid Mantis (Hymenopus coronatus) female mimicking a pink flower
  47. South America, Brazil, Pantanal, Hyacinth Macaw pair in tree roost
  48. Seagull on Beach