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  1. Washington's Eagle
  2. Chevy, 1868
  3. Audubon: Blackbird
  4. Pl 403 Golden-Eye Duck
  5. Marsh Tern
  6. Head of a Newfoundland Dog, c. 1860-1920, Dutch watercolor painting
  7. Semipalmated Sandpiper
  8. Long-Tailed Or Dusky Grouse
  9. Colman Cow Portrait Study I
  10. Smen Or White Nun
  11. House Wren
  12. Pinnated Grouse
  13. Black-Headed Gull
  14. Feeding the Ducks by Edward Killingworth Johnson
  15. Head of a Tiger, by Raden Saleh, 1847, Indonesian water color painting
  16. Fulmar Petral
  17. Mountain, or sewellel, beaver
  18. Dragoon regiment in front of the Boundary Post, Late 18th Century, By Edouard Detaille
  19. Vireo Solitarius
  20. Brown-headed Nuthatch
  21. Pin-Tailed Duck
  22. Pl 401 Red-Breasted Merganser Duck
  23. Crow On Snowy Branch
  24. Purple Sandpiper
  25. Imitation of Life, detail, 1895-1898
  26. Ivory Gull
  27. Vanquished, 1895, by George Hitchcock
  28. Short-billed Dowitcher, or Red-breasted Snipe
  29. White-eyed Vireo
  30. Golden-crowned Kinglet
  31. Signal, a grey Arab, with a Groom in the Desert
  32. Audubon: Warbler
  33. Great Tern
  34. Otter Hunting, Or "On The Scent", 1881
  35. Head of a Raptor, by Jean Bernard, 1825, Dutch chalk and pencil drawing
  36. Thrushes and Nest
  37. Smen Or White Nun
  38. Audubon: Waxwing
  39. Black-Throated Green Warbler
  40. Red Headed Woodpecker
  41. Worm-Eating Warbler
  42. Rhinoceros in Water, by August Allebe, c. 1860-1900, Dutch chalk drawing
  43. Audubon: Dove
  44. Douglas' Squirrel, From The Folio 'The Viviparous Quadrupeds Of North America'
  45. Hudsonian Curlew
  46. Bohemian Waxwing By Japanese Artist Ohara Koson
  47. Fish Crow
  48. Hudsonian Godwit