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  1. Harlequin with a Guitar
  2. White Bordeaux, 1913
  3. Still Life with a White Cloud
  4. La Bouteille D'Anis (The Bottle Of Ane?s Del Mono) By Juan Gris
  5. Verres, Journal et Bouteille de Vin, Collage
  6. The Smoker, 1912
  7. The Book, 1924
  8. Still Life with a Bottle of Wine and an Earthenware Water Jug, 1911
  9. The Table in Front of the Building; La Table Devant le Battiment, 1919
  10. Still Life, 1917
  11. Harlequin with a Guitar, 1917
  12. Glass And Newspaper, 1917
  13. The Bunch of Grapes; La Grappe de Raisins, 1925
  14. Fantomas, 1915
  15. Portrait Of Josette By Juan Gris
  16. The Casserole, 1919
  17. Woman with a Painting; La Femme au Tableau
  18. The Basket, 1924
  19. Draughtboard and Playing Cards
  20. Breakfast. 1915. Cubist Painting