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  1. Supper Time
  2. The Vet Exam
  3. Get Love Give Love_Bannerblack and grey cat
  4. Sally Who Sally Who Yellow
  5. Getting Petted Yellow
  6. Get Love Give Love
  7. Bad Dog Black
  8. Park Pup II
  9. Labrador Retriever puppy sleeping in its bed
  10. Life Is A Beach Yellow
  11. Labrador Profile
  12. Dlynn's Dogs - Tallulah
  13. Lab (black)
  14. Catnap-striped cat choc
  15. Snowshoe New Hampshire Yellow
  16. Vermont Snowboard Choc
  17. Pensive Maharaja, 2010
  18. Colorado Snowboard Black
  19. Labrador Puppies
  20. Yellow Labrador Windswept and Interesting
  21. A puppies best way to celebrate its birthday, sleeping
  22. Beach Cover Sheet
  23. Chocolate Lab
  24. Fab Lab
  25. The Crab Black
  26. Itchy
  27. Dogs live hand to mouth black
  28. Dogs have a soul Black
  29. Best in Show XII
  30. Sunny Boy I
  31. Colorado Snow Angels
  32. New Hampshire Snow Angels
  33. Island Ferry Champlain Black Yellow
  34. Okemo Snow Angels
  35. Mans Best Friend Choc Colorado
  36. Young Labrador running through a field of wheat, United Kingdom, Europe
  37. Browney Redding - Noble Stoic
  38. Geo Dogs I
  39. I Like Sticks Yellow
  40. I Like Sticks Autumn
  41. The Lifeguard Chocolate
  42. Hopeful Labrador
  43. Little Artist
  44. Sunny
  45. Love Is Chocolates
  46. Up A Tree Striped Yellow
  47. Sock Bandit
  48. Chocolate Lab