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  1. Bright Too
  2. Beamish I
  3. Florero Amarillo II
  4. Beach Umbrellas Blue
  5. Forgotten Barn
  6. 2 Yellow Beach Huts
  7. Break in the Weather
  8. Gold
  9. Flowing Landscape I
  10. Impulse I
  11. Boccadasse - Ligurian Fishing Village
  12. Taco Truck
  13. Baltimore Oriole
  14. Sprinkle III
  15. Ethereal Citron II
  16. Technicolor Dreams
  17. Candy Crush III
  18. Trove I
  19. Sunny Dreaming
  20. Citron Tiger Lily II
  21. Beamlet I
  22. Lined Up II
  23. Golden Valley I
  24. The Tall Vase I
  25. Frenzy II
  26. Figure In Yellow Dress
  27. Preston
  28. Summer Squall
  29. Backgammon 1
  30. Surf Car VIII
  31. Daffodil
  32. Modern Geometrics G
  33. Fields Of Yellow Daffodils In Late March, Skagit Valley, Washington State
  34. Look On The Sunnyside
  35. Yellow Series 15
  36. Liquid Sun II
  37. Painted Horse Family
  38. Chillies in a Glass
  39. Welcome To Paradise XI Yellow
  40. Cosmic yellow
  41. Popcorn Sky
  42. Bright Summer Palms
  43. Counter Weight I
  44. Abstract #27-C
  45. Hot Tropic I
  46. Surreal Canola Field
  47. Yellow Pepper
  48. Blooming in Sunshine III