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  1. Red-Throated Diver
  2. White-throated Sparrow
  3. Bay-Breasted Warbler
  4. Black Throated Blue Warbler
  5. Audubon: Cormorant
  6. Audubon: Red-Tailed Hawk
  7. Black-Capt Titmouse
  8. Ruff-Necked Hummingbird
  9. Columbian Hummingbird
  10. Audubon: Nuthatch
  11. Carolina Wren
  12. Californian Partridge
  13. Painted Finch
  14. American red fox
  15. Gilded Sandpipers I
  16. Crested Titmouse
  17. Audubon: Sparrow
  18. Black Poll Warbler
  19. Spotted Grouse
  20. White-Crowned Sparrow
  21. Mangrove Hummingbird
  22. White-Winged Crossbill
  23. Key West Pigeon
  24. Floriday Jay
  25. Trumpeter Swan
  26. Wormwood hare
  27. Fork-Tailed Gull
  28. Lesser Red Poll
  29. A white-tailed deer fawn
  30. Black Skimmer Or Shearwater
  31. Swainson's Warbler
  32. Pl 301 Canvas-Backed Duck
  33. Ruffed Grouse
  34. Great Horned Owl
  35. Audubon: Sparrow
  36. Marbled Godwit
  37. Roseate Tern
  38. Audubon: Thrasher
  39. American Redstart
  40. American Crossbill
  41. Rose-breasted Grosbeak, from Birds of America, engraved by Robert Havell (1793-1878)
  42. Yellow-billed Magpie, Stellers Jay, Ultramarine Jay and Clark's Crow, 1837
  43. Audubon: Red-Tailed Hawk
  44. Curlew Sandpiper
  45. Bald Eagle
  46. Wood Thrush
  47. Purple Martin
  48. Ivory-Billed Woodpecker