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Tim Fitzharris

991 results

991 results
  1. 70
    McWay Cove and McWay Falls Julia Pfieffer Burns State Park California image thumbnail
  2. 39
    Organ Mountains near Las Cruces, New Mexico image thumbnail
    Canvas from
  3. 16
    Agave On Dunes, White Sands NM, New Mexico image thumbnail
    Canvas from
  4. 58
    Paintbrush (Castilleja sp) flowers, Yankee Boy Basin, Colorado image thumbnail
  5. 35
    Opuntia (Opuntia sp) in Chihuahuan Desert landscape, Big Bend National Park, Texas image thumbnail
  6. 32
    Lower Yellowstone Falls Yellowstone National Park Wyoming image thumbnail
  7. 22
    Twisted trunk of an ancient Foxtail Pine tree, Sierra Nevada, California image thumbnail
  8. 36
    Teton Range at Snake River Overlook, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming image thumbnail
  9. 22
    Great Horned Owl perched in tree dusted with snow, British Columbia, Canada image thumbnail
  10. 20
    Pond and Avery Peak, San Juan Mountains, Colorado image thumbnail
    Canvas from
  11. 39
    Ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens), Big Bend Ranch State Park, Chihuahuan Desert, Texas image thumbnail
  12. 30
    Court of the Patriarchs rising above river, Zion National Park, Utah image thumbnail
  13. 14
    Joshua Tree Saplings And Cliffs, Red Rock Canyon, Nevada image thumbnail
  14. 27
    Chisos Agave (Agave havardiana) and the Chisos Mountains, Big Bend National Park, Texas image thumbnail
  15. 30
    Pyramid Lake, Nevada image thumbnail
    Canvas from
  16. 16
    Indian Blanket Flowers And Opuntia Cacti, Inks Lake State Park, Texas image thumbnail
  17. 11
    Green-Throated Mango Male Feeding On Flower Nectar, Trinidad, Caribbean image thumbnail
  18. 20
    Aspen trees in fall colors, Lost Lake, Gunnison National Forest, Colorado image thumbnail
  19. 17
    Beach At Sunset, Sonoma Coast State Park, Big Sur, California image thumbnail
  20. 20
    Snow Geese and Sandhill Cranes, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico image thumbnail
  21. 60
    Oak Creek in Slide Rock State Park near Sedona, Arizona image thumbnail
  22. 29
    Quaking Aspen forest in autumn, Snowmass Mountain near Quaking Aspen, Colorado image thumbnail
  23. 18
    Hill Country wildflowers including Sand Bluebonnets and Paintbrush, Texas image thumbnail
  24. 12
    The Mittens At Sunset, Monument Valley, Arizona image thumbnail
    Canvas from
  25. 58
    Kitt Peak under moon from Saguaro National Monument, Arizona image thumbnail
  26. 16
    Balanced rocks, Guadalupe Mountain National Park, Texas image thumbnail
  27. 20
    Maple (Acer sp) trees in autumn, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee image thumbnail
  28. 22
    Aspen forest overlooking Fremont Lake, Bridger-Teton National Forest, Wyoming image thumbnail
  29. 28
    White-bellied Woodstar hummingbird male and female feeding on flower, Costa Rica image thumbnail
  30. 33
    Coconut Palm (Cocos nucifera) at sunset near Dimiao, Bohol Island, Philippines image thumbnail
  31. 12
    Colorado River From Deadhorse Point, Canyonlands National Park, Utah image thumbnail
  32. 21
    Red Mountain reflected in pond, San Juan Mountains, Colorado image thumbnail
  33. 17
    Saltwater marshes at Cedar Key, Florida image thumbnail
    Canvas from
  34. 29
    Broadleaf forest in fall colors, Shenandoah National Park, Virginia image thumbnail
  35. 20
    Old growth forest of Coast Redwood, Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park, California image thumbnail
  36. 19
    Green Violet-ear (Colibri thalassinus) hummingbird foraging, Costa Rica image thumbnail
  37. 47
    Bald Cypress grove in freshwater swamp at dawn Lake Fausse Pointe Louisiana image thumbnail
  38. 22
    Beach and coastline, Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica image thumbnail
  39. 38
    West Needle Mountains reflected in Molas Lake, Weminuche Wilderness, Colorado image thumbnail
  40. 20
    Saguaro and Teddybear Cholla amid Lupine and California Brittlebush, Arizona image thumbnail
  41. 35
    Rock formation called the Lighthouse, Palo Duro Canyon State Park, Texas image thumbnail
  42. 12
    Larkspur And Paintbrush Flowering, Yankee Boy Basin, San Juan Mountains, Colorado image thumbnail
  43. 28
    Panoramic view of the Superstition Mountains at sunset Arizona image thumbnail
  44. 45
    River in Pedernales Falls State Park, Texas image thumbnail
    Canvas from
  45. 42
    Paradise Meadow and Mount Rainier, Mount Rainier National Park, Washington image thumbnail
  46. 14
    Pine Tree At Night, Mount Scott, Wichita Mountains NWR, Oklahoma image thumbnail
  47. 40
    Hidden Beach at sunset, Lake Tahoe, Nevada image thumbnail
    Canvas from
  48. 19
    Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve, Kansas image thumbnail
    Canvas from

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About Tim Fitzharris

Associate Editor for Popular Photography & Imaging magazine, Tim Fitzharris's breathtaking photographs are well known and regularly appear in periodicals world-wide. His stunning landscapes, wildlife portraits, national and international landmark images, and his study of National Parks create a library of incredibly powerful views.

  1. McWay Cove and McWay Falls Julia Pfieffer Burns State Park California
  2. Organ Mountains near Las Cruces, New Mexico
  3. Agave On Dunes, White Sands NM, New Mexico
  4. Paintbrush (Castilleja sp) flowers, Yankee Boy Basin, Colorado
  5. Opuntia (Opuntia sp) in Chihuahuan Desert landscape, Big Bend National Park, Texas
  6. Lower Yellowstone Falls Yellowstone National Park Wyoming
  7. Twisted trunk of an ancient Foxtail Pine tree, Sierra Nevada, California
  8. Teton Range at Snake River Overlook, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming
  9. Great Horned Owl perched in tree dusted with snow, British Columbia, Canada
  10. Pond and Avery Peak, San Juan Mountains, Colorado
  11. Ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens), Big Bend Ranch State Park, Chihuahuan Desert, Texas
  12. Court of the Patriarchs rising above river, Zion National Park, Utah
  13. Joshua Tree Saplings And Cliffs, Red Rock Canyon, Nevada
  14. Chisos Agave (Agave havardiana) and the Chisos Mountains, Big Bend National Park, Texas
  15. Pyramid Lake, Nevada
  16. Indian Blanket Flowers And Opuntia Cacti, Inks Lake State Park, Texas
  17. Green-Throated Mango Male Feeding On Flower Nectar, Trinidad, Caribbean
  18. Aspen trees in fall colors, Lost Lake, Gunnison National Forest, Colorado
  19. Beach At Sunset, Sonoma Coast State Park, Big Sur, California
  20. Snow Geese and Sandhill Cranes, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico
  21. Oak Creek in Slide Rock State Park near Sedona, Arizona
  22. Quaking Aspen forest in autumn, Snowmass Mountain near Quaking Aspen, Colorado
  23. Hill Country wildflowers including Sand Bluebonnets and Paintbrush, Texas
  24. The Mittens At Sunset, Monument Valley, Arizona
  25. Kitt Peak under moon from Saguaro National Monument, Arizona
  26. Balanced rocks, Guadalupe Mountain National Park, Texas
  27. Maple (Acer sp) trees in autumn, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee
  28. Aspen forest overlooking Fremont Lake, Bridger-Teton National Forest, Wyoming
  29. White-bellied Woodstar hummingbird male and female feeding on flower, Costa Rica
  30. Coconut Palm (Cocos nucifera) at sunset near Dimiao, Bohol Island, Philippines
  31. Colorado River From Deadhorse Point, Canyonlands National Park, Utah
  32. Red Mountain reflected in pond, San Juan Mountains, Colorado
  33. Saltwater marshes at Cedar Key, Florida
  34. Broadleaf forest in fall colors, Shenandoah National Park, Virginia
  35. Old growth forest of Coast Redwood, Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park, California
  36. Green Violet-ear (Colibri thalassinus) hummingbird foraging, Costa Rica
  37. Bald Cypress grove in freshwater swamp at dawn Lake Fausse Pointe Louisiana
  38. Beach and coastline, Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica
  39. West Needle Mountains reflected in Molas Lake, Weminuche Wilderness, Colorado
  40. Saguaro and Teddybear Cholla amid Lupine and California Brittlebush, Arizona
  41. Rock formation called the Lighthouse, Palo Duro Canyon State Park, Texas
  42. Larkspur And Paintbrush Flowering, Yankee Boy Basin, San Juan Mountains, Colorado
  43. Panoramic view of the Superstition Mountains at sunset Arizona
  44. River in Pedernales Falls State Park, Texas
  45. Paradise Meadow and Mount Rainier, Mount Rainier National Park, Washington
  46. Pine Tree At Night, Mount Scott, Wichita Mountains NWR, Oklahoma
  47. Hidden Beach at sunset, Lake Tahoe, Nevada
  48. Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve, Kansas