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Tim Fitzharris

991 results

991 results
  1. 9
    Great Smoky Mountains from, Blue Ridge Parkway, North Carolina image thumbnail
  2. 10
    The Watchman, outcropping near south entrance of Zion National Park, Utah image thumbnail
  3. 9
    Aspen trees in fall colors on Elk Mountains, Capitol Creek trailhead, Colorado image thumbnail
  4. 6
    Tide pools at Botanical Beach, Juan de Fuca Provincial Park, Vancouver Island, Canada image thumbnail
  5. 12
    East Beckwith Mountain Colorado image thumbnail
    Canvas from
  6. 8
    Mt Robson reflected in lake, British Columbia, Canada image thumbnail
  7. 5
    Quaking Aspen forest in autumn, Marcellina Mountain, Raggeds Wilderness, Colorado image thumbnail
  8. 7
    Low Tide At Sunset, La Jolla Cove, San Diego, California image thumbnail
  9. 12
    Redhead Duck (Aythya americana) male, portrait, Moses Lake, Washington image thumbnail
  10. 6
    Joshua Trees And Cliffs, Red Rock Canyon State Park, California image thumbnail
  11. 6
    Orange Sneezeweed blooming in meadow with East Beckwith Mountain, Colorado image thumbnail
  12. 5
    El Capitan, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas image thumbnail
  13. 13
    Lily Pads and reflection of Snowdon Peak in pond, west Needle Mountains, Colorado image thumbnail
  14. 14
    Royal Palms and reeds along waterway, Fakahatchee State Preserve, Florida image thumbnail
  15. 5
    Spring Mountains, Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area near Las Vegas, Nevada image thumbnail
  16. 8
    Green Sea Turtle, Balicasag Island, Philippines image thumbnail
    Canvas from
  17. 27
    Moon over El Arco, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico image thumbnail
    Canvas from
  18. 10
    Lone pine tree with East and West Temples in the background, Zion National Park, Utah image thumbnail
  19. 12
    Surf, Playa Langosta, Guanacaste, Costa Rica image thumbnail
    Canvas from
  20. 9
    Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias) portrait, North America image thumbnail
  21. 7
    Rainbow Over Granite Dells At Watson Lake, Arizona image thumbnail
    Canvas from
  22. 12
    Lake near Apalachicola, Florida image thumbnail
    Canvas from
  23. 11
    Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus) pale form, Kootenays, British Columbia, Canada image thumbnail
  24. 9
    Easely Peak reflected in Big Wood River, Idaho image thumbnail
    Canvas from
  25. 9
    Mammoth Peak and scattered clouds reflected in lake, Yosemite National Park, California image thumbnail
  26. 8
    Temple of the Sun with Common Sunflowers, Capitol Reef National Park, Utah image thumbnail
  27. 11
    Saguaro (Carnegiea gigantea) cactus close up of trunk and spines, North America image thumbnail
  28. 7
    Milky Way Over Bridal Veil Falls, Yosemite Valley, Yosemite National Park, California image thumbnail
  29. 7
    Emerald Lake in fog, Emerald Lake State Park, Vermont image thumbnail
  30. 13
    Misty morning over prairie, Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve, Kansas image thumbnail
  31. 8
    French River, Ontario, Canada image thumbnail
    Canvas from
  32. 2
    Anna's Hummingbird Flying Near Bee, Arizona image thumbnail
    Canvas from
  33. 7
    Laughing Gulls Flying Over Coastal Dunes, Gulf Islands National Seashore, Florida image thumbnail
  34. 7
    Rock Formation At Twilight, Church Rock, Red Rock State Park, New Mexico image thumbnail
  35. 25
    Mountain Lion (Felis concolor) portrait, North America image thumbnail
  36. 9
    Sandstone striations and erosional features, Badlands National Park, South Dakota image thumbnail
  37. 5
    Hallett Peak, Dream Lake, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado image thumbnail
  38. 17
    Haystack Mountain reflected in beaver pond, Maroon Bells, Snowmass Wilderness, Colorado image thumbnail
  39. 9
    Saguaros At Sunset, Joshua Tree National Park, California image thumbnail
  40. 5
    Snowy Owl (Nyctea scandiaca) adult, circumpolar species, British Columbia, Canada image thumbnail
  41. 24
    Grasslands, Arapaho National Wildlife Refuge, Colorado image thumbnail
  42. 7
    Water rushing through coastal rocks, Prince Edward Island, Canada image thumbnail
  43. 4
    Appalachian Mountains from Doughton Park, Blue Ridge Parkway, North Carolina image thumbnail
  44. 8
    Aspen trees in autumn, Santa Fe National Forest near Santa Fe, New Mexico image thumbnail
  45. 9
    Panoramic view of the Superstition Mountains at sunset, Arizona image thumbnail
  46. 7
    Sunrise at San Luis Reservoir, San Joaquin Valley, California image thumbnail
  47. 3
    Opuntia Cactus And Mountain, Red Rock-Secret Mountain Wilderness, Arizona image thumbnail
  48. 13
    Sunrise and crescent moon overlooking Haleakala Crater, Maui, Hawaii image thumbnail

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About Tim Fitzharris

Associate Editor for Popular Photography & Imaging magazine, Tim Fitzharris's breathtaking photographs are well known and regularly appear in periodicals world-wide. His stunning landscapes, wildlife portraits, national and international landmark images, and his study of National Parks create a library of incredibly powerful views.

  1. Great Smoky Mountains from, Blue Ridge Parkway, North Carolina
  2. The Watchman, outcropping near south entrance of Zion National Park, Utah
  3. Aspen trees in fall colors on Elk Mountains, Capitol Creek trailhead, Colorado
  4. Tide pools at Botanical Beach, Juan de Fuca Provincial Park, Vancouver Island, Canada
  5. East Beckwith Mountain Colorado
  6. Mt Robson reflected in lake, British Columbia, Canada
  7. Quaking Aspen forest in autumn, Marcellina Mountain, Raggeds Wilderness, Colorado
  8. Low Tide At Sunset, La Jolla Cove, San Diego, California
  9. Redhead Duck (Aythya americana) male, portrait, Moses Lake, Washington
  10. Joshua Trees And Cliffs, Red Rock Canyon State Park, California
  11. Orange Sneezeweed blooming in meadow with East Beckwith Mountain, Colorado
  12. El Capitan, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas
  13. Lily Pads and reflection of Snowdon Peak in pond, west Needle Mountains, Colorado
  14. Royal Palms and reeds along waterway, Fakahatchee State Preserve, Florida
  15. Spring Mountains, Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area near Las Vegas, Nevada
  16. Green Sea Turtle, Balicasag Island, Philippines
  17. Moon over El Arco, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
  18. Lone pine tree with East and West Temples in the background, Zion National Park, Utah
  19. Surf, Playa Langosta, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
  20. Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias) portrait, North America
  21. Rainbow Over Granite Dells At Watson Lake, Arizona
  22. Lake near Apalachicola, Florida
  23. Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus) pale form, Kootenays, British Columbia, Canada
  24. Easely Peak reflected in Big Wood River, Idaho
  25. Mammoth Peak and scattered clouds reflected in lake, Yosemite National Park, California
  26. Temple of the Sun with Common Sunflowers, Capitol Reef National Park, Utah
  27. Saguaro (Carnegiea gigantea) cactus close up of trunk and spines, North America
  28. Milky Way Over Bridal Veil Falls, Yosemite Valley, Yosemite National Park, California
  29. Emerald Lake in fog, Emerald Lake State Park, Vermont
  30. Misty morning over prairie, Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve, Kansas
  31. French River, Ontario, Canada
  32. Anna's Hummingbird Flying Near Bee, Arizona
  33. Laughing Gulls Flying Over Coastal Dunes, Gulf Islands National Seashore, Florida
  34. Rock Formation At Twilight, Church Rock, Red Rock State Park, New Mexico
  35. Mountain Lion (Felis concolor) portrait, North America
  36. Sandstone striations and erosional features, Badlands National Park, South Dakota
  37. Hallett Peak, Dream Lake, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado
  38. Haystack Mountain reflected in beaver pond, Maroon Bells, Snowmass Wilderness, Colorado
  39. Saguaros At Sunset, Joshua Tree National Park, California
  40. Snowy Owl (Nyctea scandiaca) adult, circumpolar species, British Columbia, Canada
  41. Grasslands, Arapaho National Wildlife Refuge, Colorado
  42. Water rushing through coastal rocks, Prince Edward Island, Canada
  43. Appalachian Mountains from Doughton Park, Blue Ridge Parkway, North Carolina
  44. Aspen trees in autumn, Santa Fe National Forest near Santa Fe, New Mexico
  45. Panoramic view of the Superstition Mountains at sunset, Arizona
  46. Sunrise at San Luis Reservoir, San Joaquin Valley, California
  47. Opuntia Cactus And Mountain, Red Rock-Secret Mountain Wilderness, Arizona
  48. Sunrise and crescent moon overlooking Haleakala Crater, Maui, Hawaii